The Size-Inclusivity Mission Statement
This weblog will be inclusive of all body sizes and types, and will explore and include posts on style and fashion in relation to sexuality, gender, and financial constraints. The “man” in means all men, including anyone who chooses to identify as a “man” or present themselves in masculine attire, full-time or part-time. This includes but is not limited to straight men, gay men, bisexual men, trans men, etc., etc.
You Deserve To Look Good
This weblog will explore how to look and feel your best, whatever that may mean to you, as a plus-size/large/big/extra/chubby/curvy man, through the lens of clothing, accessories, fashion, grooming, hygiene, philosophy and lifestyle. It is our mission to encourage you to branch out and try new things, to develop and embrace the idea of self-love through body acceptance, body positivity, and positive mental image. This website glorifies all kinds of bodies. We believe (and many people agree) that all big men are attractive and worthwhile. We will explore what it is to dress and groom yourself as a plus-sized man, to dress according to the traditions of masculinity around the world, and we will figure out together when to cast those traditions aside.
Our Business Model
This website relies on advertising and affiliate revenue to continue running. That said, we will always try to gear our advertising toward big men and big mens fashion and we will immediately quash any ads that are fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise offensive. We will try to find reasonably-priced and thoughtfully-sourced affiliate referral options when possible, and we’ll let you know when it’s simply not an option to buy the lesser quality item and when you’ll want to save up for something truly worthy.
We will likely sometimes offend our readers and stick our foot in our mouth. It is not intended and we encourage you to reach out and tell me I’m being idiotic, closed-minded, a prat, a jerk, and an unfashionable slob. Or you can reach out to say something nice. We will edit articles to include addenda when we change our minds or something new develops. This weblog, like myself, will forever be a work in progress. We will strive to do better and to be better today than we were yesterday, and to grow.
We hope you stick with us because you feel the same way. You’re tired of blogs and magazines that cater solely to straight-size men, you want something that’s for men like you, and you’re willing to support it. And from the bottom of my heart, for reading these words, I thank you.
– Jon-Christopher Hoke
Who Is Jon-Christopher?
A former boxer, bouncer, and country/blues musician, and current writer, tinkerer, artist, project manager, programmer, father and husband, Jon-Christopher has been engrossed in the study of menswear since his grandfather first told him that only women and blond men should wear shorts after the age of 10 (he was wrong).
He has written for several local publications in Northern California including the North Bay Bohemian, as well as many technical how-to websites and blogs on the topics of health, DIY projects, computer science, crafts, and menswear.
Jon is a man who wears many hats, literally and figuratively. He is the founder and head writer/editor-in-chief for He is a champion for plus-sized inclusivity, an LGBTQ+ activist, and general pain in the ass of the establishment every chance he gets.
Reddit: beard_on_fire
Instagram: @shmortalcoil